The Challenge of Absorbing Growth
I have been feeling a bit guilty lately. I am not sure if I should be or not so hence I have decided to write about it. The company I work for saw an amazing explosion of growth in 2011 and that is transcending already into 2012. You would think that something like this would make ecstatic and I really am. It helps me reflect on my overall vision and purpose when I started this journey for my new career. At the same time, the absorbing growth phase has given me much to ponder on.
The guilty feelings come from me not being able to participate in the conversation as much as I was not too long ago. I am still pumping out a standard amount of Twitter, Facebook, and blog posts like I was but other things like forum discussions, Twitter chats and commenting on other folks blogs has taken a sidestep lately. My own personal blog has suffered greatly as well. The conversation is what I really miss but it seems I may not be the only one out there who feels the same. It appears from my vantage point that the digital conversation seems to go in cycles almost like a trade show experience. We get to a trade show and there is a flurry of social activity in a short period of time and then we get back on the plane and go back to our normal routine. The same thing seems to happen in the digital world. Could it be because I and or we are trying to discern what is truly necessary for our business still?
I have seen shifts in myself that I find intriguing now. I am more apt to post something on Instagram lately then Facebook. I shifted my position on content sharing somewhat because I knew that I had less to time to participate in the conversation. But I am working with the same equation I had from the very beginning. Be part of something bigger. Get involved in my community. Keep turning up the volume to create awareness of our brand. Provide something awesome to my clients so that they will naturally start talking about me and the brand I represent. Remind those clients of how much they rock and that they are the reason we exist. When I review this equation I have to remind myself that this is not a cycle. A cycle means that you are going through steps. After a step is complete then it no longer exists until the full circle comes back to it. This equation in all its parts is living breathing parts to the sustainability and continued growth of a company.
So this takes me back to my original dilemma. The guilt exists that certain practices that I once held dear have waned slightly due to sustaining the growth of the company I represent. So my question to my friends and readers is: Is this natural and how have you dealt with it? As I peek into the second quarter of this year I can see some things shifting differently from a participation standpoint. I am training my team on how they can get more involved with the online community. Our staff size has doubled in less than a year and all of our new team members rock and are doing a stellar job for our customers. As I am writing this post I keep on reflecting on my overall philosophy of what it takes to develop, grow and nurture a brand and make it sustainable indefinitely. It certainly takes a high level of commitment, vision, courage, and determination. So as I reflect on all the positive things that have taken place, I am also aware of potential holes that need addressing in order for the volume to keep getting louder and louder.
So the future in front of me and in front of all of us. Even you have had similar experiences to the one I am talking about I would love your feedback on what steps or changes you made to adjust. Feel free to be chatty in the comment section below.
Written by Jonathan Saar
Just talked about this very thing on Twitter this morning. I too have been really busy with work and personal life and haven't had the real time needed to continue nurturing my existing relationships. It's been tough.
Life throws you curves all the time doesn't it? I am glad I am not the only one. I think even with those challenges we still remember the relationships that are there and just pick them up where we left off.
I have had the same experience! I was all hyped up and involved online and then I get caught up in the other aspects of my job and forget to post or read blogs or anything. It's a difficult balancing act between online and the real world, and as I'm the only person in my company hanging out online, it is difficult not having anyone to account to.
Thanks for sharing your experience Donje. I understand the hype totally. We all kind of lose our balance and sense of purpose at times. I guess it's critical to just keep our focus and even if we stray from time to time we can always see the path. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!! I really appreciate it.
I think it speaks to that point of people don't scale. I used to get crazy anxious over this very thing but now I don't sweat it. I catch the conversations as I can and let the others go knowing full well that person on the other end is experiencing the same thing. There is shared empathy in my mind. And, many times the conversations I do catch have a deeper meaning to me. I think because they are not contrived nor rushed.
Great post my friend - it speaks to a mass issue/concern that many are experiencing.
Have a smashing weekend.
Oh how I love kindred spirits (Anne of Green Gables quote). I am glad I am not the only one. I guess we just have to have our vision in focus and push through the challenges to reach our ultimate goals. Have a fantastic weekend my friend!