Twitter Shakes out the Earthquake News

twitter earthquake

Twitter once again shows its power over virtually any other medium. It was at approximately 2 pm EST and I started to see tweets saying EARTHQUAKE. It was within moments the Twitter stream was filled with Tweets from all over the eastern seaboard of people who were affected. Cell phone coverage was down for many but Twitter was there to keep the communications going. (more…)

Social Media and the Frustration of Change


I taught a pretty fun Facebook class for the good folks over at IREM GA. It was great to see eager students who were happy to have a workshop session to really dig into the tool. I set aside a few moments to talk about Google +. I actually had a hard time giving them advice on what to think of this new platform. Here I am teaching some basic and intermediate skills on Facebook so that they can be empowered to take it to the workplace and now there is something else to watch out for. (more…)

Cultivating Your Social Media Garden

social media garden

Do you garden? I used too many years ago but decided to try and take it up a little again. It is amazing to me to see the rewards that come from planting a seed, cultivating the ground; giving it some water and seeing something beautiful grow. As I worked away at getting my flowers to bloom I could not help but see so many parallels to what we try to do on a social media level. (more…)

Conquer Your Hurdles- Rule the Day!

business hurdles

Conducting business today is certainly no oasis. The job market is terrible and business opportunities are challenging.  There is no doubt that there are amazing hurdles that need to be conquered each day.  I have that visual in my head lately. We have all seen the runners perhaps in the Olympic games who are streaking to the finish line but have numerous hurdles to overcome in order to reach it. (more…)

Should You Set Up Your Business as a Facebook Profile?


I hate to be redundant but just when I thought the message was being heard and applied I started receiving a whole bunch of "friend requests" from businesses.  This is a huge waste of your time, money and efforts.  (more…)

What Really Matters

what really matters

I literally stared at the three words in this title before I could even start writing. What really matters is unique to us individually. I have had my own little epiphanies lately about the topic. The constant life versus work battle leaves one with much to think about. I watched an old Nicholas Cage movie called The Family Man with my wife yesterday. It's a great movie, one that I had not seen in some time. The lesson in the movie speaks for itself and it is summed up in the title of this post. (more…)